Obviously I have been living under a rock or something equivalent. And I don't just mean my most recent characteristic period of blog neglect. I have never had Caribou in my life until very recently.
WTF! FFS! And other such acronyms.
I am a thorough Caribou devotee now. But apparently not devoted enough to be able to attend any of the upcoming UK tour dates. I'd give my ability to logic and reason (which is admittedly pretty poor of late) to go to the Manchester date at The Warehouse Project where the line-up also includes - you'll have to excuse me whilst I sob gently through genuine hurt at not being able to come up with the funds to go - Four Tet, James Holden and - I'm biting my quivering lip at this one as I've never seen him live - Nathan Fake. It might be too early for this level of upset. I'm not sharing the Caribou tour dates because I would just be too jealous if you were to go. Go and Google it yourself, you show-off twat!
Uncalled for, I know.
I have a feeling that rather than playing with research proposals I'm going to be looking at cheap ways to get to Manchester. Accommodation is out of the question. And although I have never got free entry to a gig through writing this blog, if it were to happen now, for this, I'd definitely say yes. Just in case. You know.
Less about my needs.
Here is the latest Caribou album Swim:
Swim by Caribouband
And whilst I probably like the single Odessa more, I love this video:
CARIBOU - Sun from Caribou on Vimeo.