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Fashion forward...

I love shorts and have been wearing them throughout this past winter; cutting down heavy old cords and other traditional gear to re-assemble for a post modern feel...

Meanwhile, if I were to start reporting on designers new to me I would award YENIKOLKA/ Berlin "4 sheers" with a possible "5 "

Five, if they source their fabrics in a smart way, such as re-cycling (which makes the clothing more expensive) or buying closeouts which I prefer.

I like designers who buy closeout because it makes the finished pieces less expensive for them to make and us to buy and much more desirable and exclusive because of a one-of-a-kind- air around it >>>

The only pieces I did'nt love were the items cut from fake-fur instead of that I would have used a good heavy corduroy and given it a hard wash and strong press to soften and distress...