Completely new to me. Only really ever delved into after experiencing the big sites, which really don't need me mentioning them, they get enough traffic and hits as it is.
February saw the little launch and creeping in of linbock himcoll itself. Something that I have loved writing even when I've hit my lows.
But the only other thing I must mention is the support from people has been tremendous. Especially fellow bloggers of whom I've become very affectionate of. You are all well loved by me. Please peruse the Favourable Links section and show some love for these excellent writers.
And into 2008 a very exciting little project has come to flourish quite beautifully, known as, Fun And Heartbreak. Contributed to by myself along with a host of my very favourite bloggers.
I was fairly giddy when Colin asked me to write for it. But its kind of turned to nerves about the state of my own ability to write anything coherently, let alone well! So show it some love!
Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year to the best that you can in a miserable January. Show the little blogs support. Big mainstream ones certainly don't need it. Us little noble amateurs do!