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I/O is a verypromising young Pop-punk band that originated from the underbelly of theShillong ‘Alternative’ scene. The band’s Reverbnation page boasts of a decentlyproduced demo- ‘Come alive’, one that’s filled with heaps of tongue-in-cheeklyrics and half-way solid composition. Their ‘Maroon 5’ meets ‘Boys like Girls’approach into song-writing is a simple yet effective manifestation of feel-goodindie pop-rock which with a little bit of polishing and tightening  can actually go the mile. With a sound that’snot so dissimilar to that of the present generation punk would-bes andshould-bes, I/O, seem like close cousins to their Neighbors POT-FM and StreetStories in many ways. A band with a very promising demeanor- this one’s a fineaddition to the North-eastern Punk-rock cluster.