If youhaven’t heard of this Guwahati based sextet yet, your life- for obviousreasons- hasn’t been half as eventful as mine. Take my advice- leave your caveand take your hands off your ears. Axis is a quintessential, back-to-basicsRock’ n’roll band, armed with a host of singles – ones which I, personally,favor listening to live- than on tape. Riotous with teenage hormones, they arean olive branch to pub-goers, smeared with fun-filled songs and bluesy stabs.Axis’s ability to regress into melodic blues tunes, and then shift the pacemajestically back into hard-rock/classic rock blends their tastes and soundprofoundly. Unlike most others in the scene today, Boredom isn’t in theequation with this band; they have an ability to keep you on tender hooksthroughout their wickedly rampaging sets and absurdly brilliant act. This one’sa band you should definitely watch live and tell all your friends about.