Everythingyou ought to know about James Maxwell and his band Zachrs is epitomized by hislatest cover ‘Thinking of you’. Beginning with an acoustic intro ofunimpeachable cool it illustrates a vigorous obsession of a positive, profoundpop perspective. (Whoa! Too many p’s) Maxwell is also an artist with an ear forcatchy Rock n’ roll ballads, borrowing a little from contemporary pop-rock aswell as a lot from, that genre unto himself, John Mayer. ‘Happy me’ is a riffdriven affair with a nimble guitar lick assailed by an enormous, rudelyinterruptive kit. Bassist Alex Jobas and Drummer Wilgar cut across this solidbuild-up with short and sharp grooves which do as much to the rhythm as theharmony of the track.
It’sthe kind of typical acoustic-fun formula that, if gathered suitably, never getsold.